Product Development

I’ve worked on a wide variety of projects, from leading product roadmaps and UI/UX design to coding full-stack websites and creating augmented reality experiences. Check out select projects below, including an AI health chatbot, an AR experience with with Carla Chan for Art Basel, and the Aesthetnik website I co-developed with Studio 24/24.

Product Development & Ui/Ux Design

Website & Marketplace ZHEN.

At ZHEN., I led product development for our website and marketplace, overseeing design and development for the UI/UX. This project also included creating iOS and Android apps for a seamless user experience.

Product Development & Coding

Starcycle Website

For Starcycle, a startup using AI to generate business plans, I built the entire platform using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The platform allows users to input their data to then receive a custom AI generated business plan. The website is deployed on Vercel.

AR Experience

AR experience “Unfalling Black”

In collaboration with artist Carla Chan and skincare brand La Prairie, we developed an AR experience for Art Basel in Hong Kong called "Unfalling Black." Built with Unity for iOS and Android, this experience brought Carla's vision of a ever changing digital weather installation to life.

Falling Black AR ExperienceFalling Black AR ExperienceFalling Black AR ExperienceFalling Black AR ExperienceFalling Black AR ExperienceFalling Black AR Experience

Product Development & Coding

Mi-Health Ai Chatbot

The Mi-Health AI chatbot is a simple application using Python, Django, JavaScript, CSS, and OpenAI's GPT-3 DaVinci API to create a user interface for chatting about health-related topics, providing useful insights and information.

AR Experience

Sorayama Shark AR

Working with Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama, we developed an AR experience for his first NFT, the Sorayama Shark. This project involved overseeing product development with various teams, including the artist, animators, 3D sculptures, and the dev team.

Sorayama Shark ARSorayama Shark ARSorayama Shark ARSorayama Shark ARSorayama Shark ARSorayama Shark AR

Product Development & Design

Aesthetnik Website

For my artist website, Aesthetnik, I collaborated with Studio 24/24 to create a unique design concept reflecting my artistic philosophy. This dynamic website uses CSS and JavaScript to provide an ever-changing user experience.